オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2017 年 09 月 01 日の編集記録

宇治市木幡の建物を入力 by Climbers High
Edit Place of worship. by phlustik
宇治市小幡の建物を入力 by Climbers High
宇治市小幡の建物を入力 by Climbers High
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp, satellite photos, and by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a bar by K_Sakanoshita
Created a confectionery shop and a post_box by K_Sakanoshita
宇治市小幡の建物を入力 by Climbers High
closed by shin
Created 4 restaurants by tshcroft
宇治市小幡の建物を入力 by Climbers High
宇治市小幡の建物を入力 by Climbers High
