オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2017 年 08 月 22 日の編集記録

宇治 by theaterofxxxx
宇治市小幡の家屋を入力 by Climbers High
Created a hotel by Charrapi
adding wikidata to operator:wp - see by nyuriks
Created 3 bus_stops, 2 convenience shops, and 6 other objects by hiyamari
Updated a bus_stop by zayrao
黄檗駅周辺の地名を追加 by horisyu
Updated a bus_stop by zayrao
Updates based on road data at gsi.jp, satellite photos, and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a restaurant by zayrao
宇治市小幡の家屋を入力 by Climbers High
