オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2017 年 06 月 18 日の編集記録

あぶり渋屋追加しました。宜しくお願いします。 by カンタ
あずき追加しました。宜しくお願いします。 by カンタ
綾部駅をwiki記載のルールに合うよう修正 by mds878
石清水八幡宮の人工林を追加しました。 by HikaruKinkakuji
石清水八幡宮の小川を追加しました。 by HikaruKinkakuji
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by kamigata0
情報追加 by たんとく
情報追加 by たんとく
情報追加 by たんとく
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by asa@
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by kken78
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by DosanTokyo
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by Amiotama
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by harepro
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by dddaichi
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by codetnk
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by Toru Takahashi
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by kken78
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by kken78
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by Amiotama
オープンデータソン2017宇治での編集 by LocalwikiHirakata001
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by map_FAN
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by SimT
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by Climbers High
休憩所ベンチの詳細を記入 by kken78
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by toshiito ito 29124
オープンデータソン2017宇治:宇治上神社本殿周辺の道 by LocalwikiHirakata001
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by Toru Takahashi
Contribution sent from the following MapContrib theme: by dddaichi
オープンデータソン2017宇治:御茶屋通圓とその付近 by LocalwikiHirakata001
Created a bakery shop by Grapha Reign
Created a post_box by K_Sakanoshita
三室戸駅前タイムズ駐車場をUP by クーちゃん
三室戸駅前FRESCO駐車場をUP by クーちゃん
三室戸パーキングをUP by クーちゃん
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
史跡宇治川太閤堤跡をUP by クーちゃん
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
朝日山周辺の追加 by IkufumiUchia
