オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2017 年 04 月 08 日の編集記録

バスルート廃止(阪急バス岡町加島線) by nabezo
cleaned up name:* tags by nyuriks
new by yunroom
西国街道沿いの高橋バス停付近の畳屋さんや防火水槽の情報を追加。 by taki3hira
new by yunroom
Tags by Rakkka
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
cleaned up name:* tags by nyuriks
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
name:ja:kana -> name:ja_kana by nyuriks
泉大津の建物追加 by ゴマちゃん
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
泉大津の建物追加 by ゴマちゃん
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
Tags by Rakkka
around Fukushima station, Osaka, Japan by topstone
fixed some errors by topstone
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
泉大津、大津神社周辺の建物追加、道路変更 by くっすん
new by yunroom
西国街道沿いの妙喜庵の石碑と歯医者さんを追加。 by taki3hira
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
Created a hostel by Schlafsack
local housing by Boku
店舗を追加 by noahkun
店舗を追加 by noahkun
店舗を追加 by noahkun
店舗を追加 by noahkun
new by yunroom
new by yunroom
Updated 36 schools and 10 kindergartens by Yuta Hisamori
Updates based on satellite photos, and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
離宮八幡宮南側付近のお地蔵さんを追加。 by taki3hira
舟橋川の樋門を追加。かせんじき by taki3hira
Updates based on satellite photos, and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
舟橋川の樋門を追加。桂川の河川敷の橋を追加。 by taki3hira
