オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2017 年 03 月 23 日の編集記録

Created a sports shop by MERIGOUT Stephane
original road prior to bypass by kifo
same residential road by kifo
aligning road to Bing map by kifo
aligning road to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
#maproulette Rivers_going_up_the_mountain by SKald
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
Continued fixing small errors based on my time there. Not sure that the one way street up to Higashiyama-Yasui is actually a continuation of Hanamikji or if that street stops at Kennin-ji. by OldEnough
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
aligning roads to Bing map by kifo
#maproulette Duplicate_segments_in_closed_ways_(Asia_ _Australia) by skorbut
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by Leoom6413
Created a clothes shop by Leoom6413
Created a shoes shop by Leoom6413
Created a clothes shop and a toys shop by Leoom6413
Created 2 shoes shops by Leoom6413
#maproulette Duplicate_segments_in_closed_ways_(Asia_ _Australia) by nevw
Created 2 clothes shops by Leoom6413
Updates based on a personal visit, and satellite images. by Jeffrey Friedl
