オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2017 年 03 月 06 日の編集記録

長岡天満宮の南東の建物を追加 by K_Sakanoshita
Updated a car_rental by T RAN
#maproulette Self-intersecting_polygon_ways_(Asia_and_Australia) by sebastic
西国街道リレーションを作成 by mds878
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by RichRico
Add bus stop and route information in Kyoto by Bravefoot
Add bus stop and route information in Kyoto (finished city route 1) by Bravefoot
Start Kyoto city bus route 9 by Bravefoot
天台宗 by yam2017
天台宗 by yam2017
天台宗 by yam2017
Created a restaurant by Lark Crail
road & building by Daichizu
足立病院間之町パーキングの名前を追加。 by taki3hira
木津川市立加茂図書館の位置を修正 by 弥勒の道プロジェクト
