オープンストリートマップ 茨城県 2017 年 01 月 24 日の編集記録

県営若宮アパート by penguin_the_dawn
県営若宮アパート by penguin_the_dawn
県営若宮アパート by penguin_the_dawn
国道245号 by penguin_the_dawn
国道51号 by penguin_the_dawn
国道51号 by penguin_the_dawn
国道51号 by penguin_the_dawn
店舗を追記 by 8dirfriend
Aligning and fixing impossible angles in highway using #to-fix by Imp_GL
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by samely
Aligning and fixing impossible angles in highway using #to-fix by Imp_GL
Aligning and fixing impossible angles in highway using #to-fix by Imp_GL
Deleting overlapped highways using #to-fix by calfarome
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by RichRico
Added a car dealers. by tad331
Added a car dealers. by tad331
Added a corner store. by tad331
Added a playing field. by tad331
Added a playing field. by tad331
Added a water park. by tad331
Added a mall. by tad331
Added a mall. by tad331
Added a mall. by tad331
Added a mall. by tad331
Added a mall. by tad331
Added some shopes. by tad331
Added a supermarket. by tad331
Added a supermarket. by tad331
Added a supermarket. by tad331
国道51号 by penguin_the_dawn
建物を追加 by penguin_the_dawn
水戸市下市の地物 by penguin_the_dawn
