オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2017 年 01 月 20 日の編集記録

updated station, and surrounding road network by wcwalker
added railway landuse by wcwalker
Deleting overlapped highways using #to-fix by samely
Aligning and fixing impossible angles in highway using #to-fix by karitotp
Deleting overlapped highways using #to-fix by yurasi
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by ridixcr
岡崎市才栗町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市才栗町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市東岡崎駅周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
豊川市八幡町後物を加筆修正 by Lombroso
Aligning and fixing impossible angles in highway using #to-fix by Imp_GL
Aligning and fixing impossible angles in highway using #to-fix by Imp_GL
Aligning and fixing impossible angles in highway using #to-fix by Imp_GL
豊川市八幡町の地物を加筆修正 by Lombroso
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Traced buildings based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Traced buildings based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Traced buildings based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
岡崎市洞町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市洞町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市洞町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
