オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2017 年 01 月 18 日の編集記録

田原市の家屋外形を追加 by komiyama_a
田原市の家屋外形を追加 by komiyama_a
田原市の家屋外形を追加 by komiyama_a
added multilingual tags to Gojo River by wcwalker
田原市の家屋外形を追加 by komiyama_a
updated park, deleted old node by wcwalker
added shrine, deleted missing park, updated road network by wcwalker
Deleting overlapped highways using #to-fix by samely
updated power substation, updated road network, disconnected landuse from road network, moved powerlines, added buildings by wcwalker
modified station, connecting rail, and surrounding road network by wcwalker
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by ridixcr
岡崎市明大寺町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市岡崎公園周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市民会館周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市康生町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市康生町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
岡崎市康生町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
豊川市平尾町、野口町の地物を加筆修正 by Lombroso
岡崎市康生町周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市乙川周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市乙川周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市乙川周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市乙川周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
建物 by tsukiprs
岡崎市内の病院施設の修正 by 呑気隊長
Created 3 viewpoints, a convenience shop, and 2 other objects by isoptera2000
Created a place_of_worship by isoptera2000
岡崎市内の砂川周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
岡崎市内の砂川周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
建物 by tsukiprs
建物 by tsukiprs
三明公園(豊川市豊川町)を加筆修正 by Lombroso
Created a rest_area by isoptera2000
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
岡崎市域の修正 by 呑気隊長
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
岡崎市域境周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
Traced buildings and farmlands based on Japan GSI by Kohki Hiraga
Add POIs from survey by TKE-waka
田原市の家屋外形を追加 by komiyama_a
岡崎市六ツ美周辺の修正 by 呑気隊長
田原市の家屋外形を追加 by komiyama_a
