オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2017 年 01 月 05 日の編集記録

Deleting overlapped highways using #to-fix by Imp_GL
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by samely
豊川市橋尾町の地物を加筆修正 by Lombroso
Adding or deleting oneway=* tag to make the roads navigable using #to-fix by piligab
Fixing major highways which is crossing with buildings by Imp_GL
added train platforms, moved tracks, added station and platform roofs, consolidated station nodes, deleted extra station node by wcwalker
added subway tag to station, added english name of subway line by wcwalker
豊川市豊津町の地物を加筆修正 by Lombroso
愛知県海部郡飛島村古政成七丁目周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
愛知県海部郡飛島村古政成二丁目周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
愛知県海部郡飛島村古政成三丁目周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
愛知県海部郡飛島村古政成四丁目周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
愛知県海部郡飛島村古政成五丁目周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
added park and playground, updated surrounding road network by wcwalker
added grass landuse along river, updated road network, modified foot path by wcwalker
#godisinthedetail_osm by Kohki Hiraga
added buildings based on the Bing by Kohki Hiraga
東名高速の沿線の修正 by 呑気隊長
ja-rms -> ja-rm by mueschel
ja_rmM -> ja_rm by mueschel
added cherry trees to river bank by wcwalker
added park by wcwalker
JP: fix social_facility values - typo in assisted_living by Polarbear-repair
JP: fix social_facility values - typo in assisted_living by Polarbear-repair
東名高速の沿線の修正 by 呑気隊長
東名高速の沿線の修正 by 呑気隊長
国労248号沿線の修正 by 呑気隊長
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by age-iso
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by age-iso
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by age-iso
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by age-iso
国労248号沿線の修正 by 呑気隊長
国労248号沿線の修正 by 呑気隊長
