オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2017 年 01 月 02 日の編集記録

自立訓練(生活訓練事業所) by sam_map
add highways and buildings from GSI/KIBAN 2500 and GSImaps by Aiko Nakata
自立訓練(生活訓練事業所) by sam_map
Updated a building by zxcasdqwe123
Updated a castle by
add highways and buildings from GSI/KIBAN 2500 and GSImaps by Aiko Nakata
add highways and buildings from GSI/KIBAN 2500 and GSImaps by Aiko Nakata
add highways and buildings from GSI/KIBAN 2500 and GSImaps by Aiko Nakata
Created a post_box by 松山駿貞
Created a post_box by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop and a community_centre by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
Created 2 bus_stops by 松山駿貞
Created a bus_stop by 松山駿貞
add highways and buildings from GSI/KIBAN 2500 and GSImaps by Aiko Nakata
add highways and buildings from GSI/KIBAN 2500 and GSImaps by Aiko Nakata
add highways and buildings from GSI/KIBAN 2500 and GSImaps by Aiko Nakata
