オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2016 年 12 月 14 日の編集記録

Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by karitotp
Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by dannykath
Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by karitotp
Created a bar by Yoshionkun
OSM Inspectorによるエラー表示「self_intersection_ways」の修正, NARO の基盤地図情報により形状の変更を含む by k_zoar
Modified via wheelmap.org by f_msk
コンビニ by augustcamellia
コメント? by augustcamellia
Modified via wheelmap.org by f_msk
deleted 小僧寿し by ao_zeal
Created a toys shop by Dom Dalex
Tag an Wiki angepat by thetornado76
稲城・柿生駅周辺を編集 by U20
Created a cafe and a restaurant by brinsknaps
日比谷地下道。名称を追加、入口・出口付近で分かれる道路をそれぞれ追加、周辺道路を調整 by szjjdd
日比谷地下道入口の車線の詳細を追加。 by szjjdd
adding wikidata tag to places by nammala
菅野駅周辺の修正と建物の追加 by tsuhi
建物追加; 川口・戸田境界線修正 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
建物追加; 川口・戸田境界線修正 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
建物追加 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
