オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2016 年 12 月 11 日の編集記録

肥後橋周辺ビル形状。 by terrible noise
肥後橋周辺ビル形状、歩道形状、自転車駐輪場。 by terrible noise
中之島周辺、国立国際美術館前の広場。 by terrible noise
renew by remyo506
肥後橋周辺、ビル形状。 by terrible noise
renew by remyo506
肥後橋周辺、ビル形状、歩道形状、周辺植栽。 by terrible noise
renew by remyo506
肥後橋周辺、ビル形状。 by terrible noise
Updates based on a personal visit, and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit, and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit, and road data at gsi.jp by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit, and road data at gsi.jp, and GSI satellite imagery by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit, and road data at gsi.jp, and GSI satellite imagery by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on a personal visit, and road data at gsi.jp, and GSI satellite imagery by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on GSI satellite imagery by Jeffrey Friedl
肥後橋周辺、ビル形状、駐車場。 by terrible noise
traced buildings around Tsukuno station, Osaka, Japan by topstone
traced buildings around Tsukuno station, Osaka, Japan by topstone
Updates based on a personal visit by Jeffrey Friedl
The skyline is not open to bikes/pedestrians/motorcycles by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a bus_stop and a community_centre by K_Sakanoshita
Created a clinic and a sports shop by K_Sakanoshita
Created a place_of_worship by K_Sakanoshita
Created 2 bus_stops, an electronics shop, and 2 other objects by K_Sakanoshita
Created a car shop, a restaurant, and a supermarket shop by K_Sakanoshita
肥後橋周辺、駐車場。 by terrible noise
道路名称が阪急千里線になっていたので削除 by mds878
nameの英語を分離 by mds878
肥後橋周辺、ビル・駐車場形状。 by terrible noise
肥後橋周辺、ビル形状。 by terrible noise
肥後橋周辺、ビル形状。 by terrible noise
肥後橋周辺、地下鉄入口、ビル形状。 by terrible noise
traced buildings around Tsukuno station, Osaka, Japan by topstone
三日市駅付近から河内長野千早城跡線沿いに葛野橋付近までの案内板・道標・消火栓・自動販売機・一部建物など追加。橋・道路・水路を地理院地図で調整。 by taki3hira
北千里駅周辺の建物を追加 by Rakkka
12/5000 Building near Kita-senri Station added by Rakkka
