オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2016 年 12 月 07 日の編集記録

add building by syusaku
旭川 by acguyyyy
旭川 by acguyyyy
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
北海道旭川市付近 by arthur8
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
add farmland by onotsuba
add farmland by onotsuba
add building by onotsuba
add building by onotsuba
add building by onotsuba
add bilding by giraffe0415
add bilding by giraffe0415
Administrative boundary by atozca
Administrative boundary by atozca
add buildings and farmlands by shimoo
added ノーザンライト by jyun76
Set Wikidata ID for admin_levels, matching them with wikipedia tags, normalizing, and resolving redirects by nyuriks
Created a hostel by TheLoneWanderer
add buildings and highways by motomi1111
corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
add building by onotsuba
add building by onotsuba
add buildings and highways by motomi1111
add building by onotsuba
add buildings and highways by motomi1111
add building by onotsuba
add building by onotsuba
add building by onotsuba
add buildings and highways by motomi1111
add building by onotsuba
add buildings and highways by motomi1111
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
旭川 by acguyyyy
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
スポットの追加、修正 (OSM Wiki「JA:住所」、「JA:Naming sample」(お店の場合)を基準に入力しています。)  by HIK95
旭川 by acguyyyy
