オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2016 年 12 月 02 日の編集記録

add buildings by yamashun
add buildings and highway by tyree
add highway and building by arikawa
add buildings by yamashun
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add buildings by yamashun
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add highway and building by arikawa
add buildings and highway by tyree
add buildings and highway by tyree
add buildings and highway by tyree
道路修正(東陵町) by Hokko-sha
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add building by MAYU SAKITA
道路修正(川東) by Hokko-sha
add highway and building by arikawa
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
add building by MAYU SAKITA
道路修正(端野) by Hokko-sha
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add buildings and highway by tyree
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add buildings and highway by tyree
add highway and building by arikawa
rail (source=Japan GSI ortho Imagery) by mindedie
add buildings and highway by tyree
add buildings and highway by tyree
add building by MAYU SAKITA
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by RichRico
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add highway and building by arikawa
add highway and building by arikawa
add building by MAYU SAKITA
add buildings and highway by tyree
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by Luis36995
add highway and building by arikawa
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by yurasi
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by yurasi
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by Luis36995
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by karitotp
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by RichRico
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by karitotp
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by calfarome
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by Luis36995
Administrative boundary by atozca
Created a bakery shop by TheLoneWanderer
add highway and building by arikawa
Created a restaurant by TheLoneWanderer
add farmland by NKGK
Created a restaurant by TheLoneWanderer
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by TheLoneWanderer
add buildings by NKGK
add buildings by motomi1111
add buildings by NKGK
add buildings by NKGK
add buildings by motomi1111
add buildings by NKGK
fix coastline error by dmgroom_ct
森林トレース(美園) by Hokko-sha
Created a convenience shop by Hokko-sha
旭川 by acguyyyy
旭川 by acguyyyy
旭川 by acguyyyy
豊富町トレース by jyun76
豊富町トレース by jyun76
buildings, corrections (source=Bing) by mindedie
