オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2016 年 11 月 01 日の編集記録

(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by IrisLook89
Adding missing layer tag to bridges using #to-fix by piligab
Adding missing layer tag to bridges using #to-fix by piligab
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp and Mapbox imagery by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp and Mapbox imagery by Jeffrey Friedl
トンネル名記入 by yu takeuchi
Updated a bus_stop by Pim van Tongeren
Not one-way for bicycles by Jeffrey Friedl
Created a bar and a restaurant by dest41
Drove by these yesterday... they aren't real roads by Jeffrey Friedl
岡山県内修正 by yu takeuchi
岡山県内修正 by yu takeuchi
京丹後大宮IC周辺修正 by yu takeuchi
Bridge by Bernhard Ldi
左京区下鴨本町の家屋を入力 by Climbers High
左京区下鴨本町の家屋を入力 by Climbers High
