オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2016 年 10 月 25 日の編集記録

Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by yurasi
小路東三丁目にある歩道、足代一丁目にある麻雀クラブを追加 by yatcin
Fixing invalid layer tag in intersected highways using #to-fix by yurasi
Fixing invalid layer tag in intersected highways using #to-fix by Luis36995
fixing tag typos / disused by maggot27
Deleting overlapped highways using #to-fix by ediyes
fixing tag typos / disused by maggot27
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by calfarome
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by ridixcr
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by piligab
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by RichRico
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by karitotp
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by dannykath
Updated 5 towns and a city by Batareikin
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by dannykath
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by dannykath
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by ridixcr
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by piligab
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by calfarome
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by yurasi
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by ediyes
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by calfarome
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by ridixcr
Created a hostel by Mi-ni Wang
市街地に建物を追加 by maki-w
公園の名称の追加 by 芝池祐星
建物情報の追加 by 成松佳苗
古本市場 by 村上皓亮
スシローの登録 by 西中信貴
店舗名 by 池田啓恭
ファミリーマート錦織北店の登録 by 西中信貴
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by 村上皓亮
店舗情報の追加 by 芝池祐星
娯楽地名 by 池田啓恭
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by 村上皓亮
名前 by 池田啓恭
店情報の追加 by 砂畠直登
ローソンの登録 by 西中信貴
建物登録 名前 by 池田啓恭
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by 村上皓亮
ポンポン山修正 by edy0019
高槻市内編集 by edy0019
Updated a convenience shop by Jaeho CHA
Created a sports shop by JUNEY
