オープンストリートマップ 埼玉県 2016 年 10 月 24 日の編集記録

青梅市のPOIのname:enの追加 by Toshif
セブン-イレブン in Yamanashi by Bman
青梅市、羽村市のPOIのname:enの追加 by Toshif
入間市、瑞穂町のPOIのname:enの追加 by Toshif
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by samely
入間市、瑞穂町のPOIのname:enの追加 by Toshif
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by Negipon
アスカ駐車場追加 by Negipon
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by ediyes
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by yurasi
Adding junction nodes or bridges to overlapping highways using #to-fix by ediyes
