オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2016 年 10 月 18 日の編集記録

嵐山の鈴虫寺周辺の追加・変更 by K_Sakanoshita
Track information added, Yamato-Saidaiji station by flierfy
京都競馬場を修正 by horisyu
塔の島を修正 by horisyu
Created a cafe by Christoph168
Created a bank by FWOE
樹木等編集(天橋立付近) by (yo)
宮津ロイヤルホテル追記 by (yo)
This road is ridiculous, and ridiculously-difficult to map properly. It's not correct on any map I've seen, including road data at gsi.jp. I went today with a bicycle and a video camera, and by looking at the footage I've gotten it closer to reality. by Jeffrey Friedl
天塚古墳付近の建物を分割 by K_Sakanoshita
天塚古墳付近の建物・道路・駐車場を追加・修正 by K_Sakanoshita
宗忠神社の表参道の鳥居、灯籠、狛犬、案内板を追加 by Climbers High
