オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2016 年 09 月 17 日の編集記録

Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by samely
Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by ediyes
Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by ridixcr
fix typo by Aleks-Berlin
Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by samely
Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by piligab
Fixing invalid multipolygon relation by closing unclosed rings and self intersecting areas using #to-fix by piligab
河川敷の歩道を追加 by tadanet3
Created a place_of_worship by JSVM
コミュニティーセンター内にある飲料自動販売機を追加しました。 by sumomo10
Added highways and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. by MrPart
コミュニティーセンター内にある飲料自動販売機を追加しました。 by sumomo10
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. by MrPart
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. by MrPart
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. by MrPart
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. by MrPart
牧野高校前から樟葉駅東モール街まで気づいた場所 by kamigata0
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. Source: survey by MrPart
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. Source: survey by MrPart
新今里一丁目〜五丁目にあるオブジェクトに名称を追加。オフィス、飲食店、商店、学習塾を追加 by yatcin
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. Source: survey by MrPart
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. Source: survey by MrPart
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. Source: survey by MrPart
Added highways, buildings and info arround Minami senri station. It seems to be roughly mapped with very few details and just some streets mapped. Source: survey by MrPart
阪急高槻市駅から国道170号外環状線沿い by kamigata0
枚方市駅前交差点 by kamigata0
edit japan osaka suita by kp61
玉造筋、勝山4交差点〜北河堀交差点間は中央分離帯がないため、上下線を統合。 by terrible noise
edit japan osaka suita by kp61
Hiking way branching from the way between Ogura Shrine and Houshaku Temple to Toudaiji-Kasuga Shrine by Munkson
大阪内環状線分割されていた部分を合一。 by terrible noise
