オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2016 年 08 月 27 日の編集記録

Created a bus_stop by Takefumi Minato
ネッツトヨタ千葉閉店修正 by BBBOM
自動販売機、消火栓追加 by BBBOM
野田ウェルズ店舗追加 by BBBOM
野田ウェルズ店舗追加 by BBBOM
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
船橋市前原西に建物を追加 by tsuhi
現地調査(2016-08-07)の反映 by mds878
アメシス追加 by BBBOM
アメシス修正 by BBBOM
船橋市役所付近の修正 by tsuhi
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add pois by survey by higa4
add pois by survey by higa4
add pois by survey by higa4
add pois by survey by higa4
水戸南IC by penguin_the_dawn
国道245号 by penguin_the_dawn
船橋市栄町付近の修正 by tsuhi
