オープンストリートマップ 滋賀県 2016 年 08 月 20 日の編集記録

ダム名を修正(蔵王ダムが正しい) by たくみ
ダム名修正 by たくみ
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp, imagery, and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp, imagery, and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
that 比叡山線 is definitely not passable by car... not a secondary road or even a road! by Jeffrey Friedl
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by ridixcr
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by ridixcr
Connecting motorable roads using #to-fix by ridixcr
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp, and GSI imagery. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp, and GSI imagery. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp, and GSI imagery. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp, and GSI imagery. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp, and GSI imagery. by Jeffrey Friedl
人工林が水域になっていたものを修正 by horisyu
