オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2016 年 08 月 18 日の編集記録

#to-fix:kinksminorhighways, Fixing minor highways that contains impossible angles, by karitotp
added restaurant by Hans K
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
Test from MapContrib (developpement in progress) by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways that cross with another minor highways. by RichRico
Modified roads; added clinic and church by Hans K
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
ポートタワーとウオッセ21を継ぐだけの建物専用の通路が道路のようにかかっていたので削除しました。その周辺のポイント追加と、自然林の範囲を修正しました。 by mova55
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
船橋市飯山満周辺の修正 by tsuhi
