オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2016 年 08 月 13 日の編集記録

Created an embassy by Ding Fengbin
added province label by mslie
deleted duplicate node by mslie
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by 8dirfriend
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
typo fixes by mapper999
公園の追加 by mova55
幕張本郷周辺のポイント追加 by mova55
習志野の海側のポイント追加&修正 by mova55
フクアリ付近の名称追加 by mova55
フクアリ付近の名称修正 by mova55
