オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2016 年 08 月 07 日の編集記録

modified at Tanashi by damember
adding data after survey by setti
adding data after survey by setti
Reverting changesets with Pokemon Go objects: # 41228272, 41228263, 41228235 by FTA_dwg
コメント対応? by 野苺ロビン
コメント対応? by 野苺ロビン
東横インを追加、建物を更新 by 下り専門
leisure=park桜並木公園を編集 by kawah64
amenity=toiletsを編集 by kawah64
barrier=bollardを記入 by kawah64
leisure=parkを編集 by kawah64
amenity=telephoneの位置を修正 by kawah64
清花公園内のトイレ、水飲みの位置修正、追記 by kawah64
highway=residentialを記入 by kawah64
赤羽駅南口周辺の編集 by tom_konda
leisure=playground北三児童公園を記入 by kawah64
leisure=playgroundにname他追記 by kawah64
leisure=playground大森北三丁目児童公園を記入 by kawah64
amenity=toiletsを記入 by kawah64
amenity=drinking_waterを記入 by kawah64
highway=serviceを記入 by kawah64
barrier=cycle_barrierを記入 by kawah64
highway=serviceを記入 by kawah64
buildingを記入 by kawah64
buildingを記入 by kawah64
buidingを記入 by kawah64
amenity=parking三井のリパーク大田中央2丁目を記入 by kawah64
赤羽駅東側の編集 by tom_konda
スカイツリーシャトル東京駅線のルートを追加 by Yumezora
leisure=playgroundにnameを追記 by kawah64
buildingを記入 by kawah64
バス停名追加 by FreshLemon
leisure=playgroundにname他追記 by kawah64
amenity=toiletsを記入 by kawah64
amenity=drinking_waterを記入 by kawah64
landuse=constructionをbuildingに更新(形は推測です) by kawah64
emergency=defibrillatorを記入 by kawah64
buildingにnameを追記 by kawah64
buildingを記入 by kawah64
nameの「区立」を削除 by kawah64
nameの「区立」を削除 by kawah64
amenity=dentistナカムラ歯科を削除(長期休診中) by kawah64
スカイツリーシャトルのルートを追加 by Yumezora
メモの解消 by Yumezora
メモの解消 by Yumezora
leisure=parkをplaygroundに変更 by kawah64
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
王子駅前の歩道橋を修整 by Yumezora
王子駅前付近の歩道を追加 by Yumezora
王子駅前付近の歩道を追加 by Yumezora
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
名称編集 by okironu
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
leisure=park龍子公園を記入、accessに関して、龍子記念館職員の案内で入場、公開曜日も制限が多いなど複雑です。としましたが、間違っていたら訂正してください。 by kawah64
buildingの形、位置を修正 by kawah64
赤羽駅周辺の編集 by tom_konda
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
Asagaya survey by muramototomoya
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
都電荒川線町屋〜大塚間の複線化 by Yumezora
都電荒川線に接続する道路の修整、付近の店舗を追加 by Yumezora
new shops after survey by setti
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
new shops after survey by setti
赤羽駅東側の編集 by tom_konda
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
名称編集 by noriko_u
added くるみ堂 by tosseto
building after survey by setti
building after survey by setti
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
建物を追加 by hochz
checking buildings with bing and local knowldege by setti
建物を追加 by hochz
建物を追加 by hochz
建物を追加 by hochz
建物を  by hochz
add buildings by smellman
Akabane park survey by muramototomoya
add buildings and fix ways by smellman
updated and removed buildings by Hans K
add / fix ways by smellman
updated and added buildings by Hans K
added/updated restaurants etc by Hans K
