オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2016 年 06 月 07 日の編集記録

Created a attraction by Gu Hyun Yong
Created a attraction by Gu Hyun Yong
阪神高速高井田ランプ周辺側道、ランプ分岐・合流等。 by terrible noise
阪神高速高井田ランプ番号、名称。 by terrible noise
阪神高速森之宮ランプ番号、名称。 by terrible noise
阪神高速夕陽丘ランプ番号、名称。 by terrible noise
阪神高速四ツ橋ランプ番号、名称。 by terrible noise
肥後橋周辺ビル名、ショップ名。 by terrible noise
#to-fix:unconnectedmajorhighways, fixing major highways which are disconnected, by ediyes
Created a hostel by Cesare Italo Riverso
splitted name into name, name:ja, name:en, and branch by topstone
building & road by Daichizu
building & road by Daichizu
splitted name into name, name:ja, name:en, and branch by topstone
splitted name into name, name:ja, name:en, and branch by topstone
高槻市内編集 by edy0019
高槻市内編集 by edy0019
高槻市内編集 by edy0019
Created a restaurant by Benoit Julhan
splitted name into name, name:ja, name:en, and branch by topstone
万博記念公園の東口周辺を追加 by K_Sakanoshita
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by ediyes
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by ediyes
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by ediyes
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by ediyes
病院の重複データの削除と、既存データの位置を移動。 by taki3hira
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by ediyes
