オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2016 年 05 月 15 日の編集記録

Updates based upon road data at gsi.go.jp and Bing / GSI satellite images. by Jeffrey Friedl
コミュニティ連絡板追加 by tadanet3
道路追加 by tadanet3
AED追加 by tadanet3
のらくろ修正 by tadanet3
school by Daichizu
school by Daichizu
building & street by Daichizu
building & street by Daichizu
building & street by Daichizu
building & street by Daichizu
building & street by Daichizu
building & street by Daichizu
Revise roads around Tatsuno IC with GSImaps/airphoto and survey. by kuma43
