オープンストリートマップ 大分県 2016 年 05 月 07 日の編集記録

#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort changed line to building, connected a couple of roads by confusedbuffalo
#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort by confusedbuffalo
#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort added buildings, deleted a few duplicate buildings by confusedbuffalo
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "adding buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "adding buildings" by tonybendell
タグ更新 旧竹田荘 by satetsu
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "added buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "added buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "mapping buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "mapped one large building" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "mapped multiple buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort by Jean-Yves Longchamp
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "aligned highway to image" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort by Jean-Yves Longchamp
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "added buildings along both side of trunk road" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "commenced adding buildings in this task" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "adding buildings in this task, removed a building within a building at rail way that was causing an error" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by vichada
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "minor adjustment to highway and mapped two very small buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/or "Mapped several small and one large building" Removed layer 0 from river as it is not necessary" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "minor adjustment to highway and mapped two very small buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "minor adjustment to highway and mapped two very small buildings and one larger one" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped buildings and a tower and strorage tank" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped buildings and a tower and strorage tank" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped buildings and a minor amendment to junction of highway" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped buildings and a minor amendment to path running through building" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort 建物追加 by marikocco
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped buildings and a minor amendment to path running through building" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped buildings" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort "Mapped a building" by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by tonybendell
#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort by tasauf1980
#hotosm-project-1801 #crisismappersjapan #由布市 source=GSImaps/ort by tasauf1980
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
#hotosm-project-1800 #crisismappersjapan #別府市 source=GSImaps/ort by Johnwhelan
