オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2016 年 05 月 04 日の編集記録

#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways that overlap with minor highways. by karitotp
Updates by Brian@Brea
Updates by Brian@Brea
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways that overlap with minor highways. by Luis36995
Updates by Brian@Brea
Created 2 benchs by nabetaro
Created 2 benchs, a beauty shop, and 2 other objects by nabetaro
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add buildings by smellman
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
芝生のエリアや通り道などを追加 by smellman
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add buildings and fix ways by smellman
歩道にかぶっていたエリアを修正 by smellman
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
fix 関東ふれあいの道 - 千葉23 - 滝のあるみち by adonishi
Updates by Brian@Brea
Updates by Brian@Brea
古い団地を削除して新しく出来た家と道路を追加 by smellman
Updates by Brian@Brea
公園を追加と道をいくつか修正 by smellman
add buildings by smellman
add buildings by smellman
add buildings by smellman
add buildings and highways from GSI Kiban by higa4
add buildings and highways from GSI Kiban by higa4
add buildings and highways from GSI Kiban by higa4
add buildings and highways from GSI Kiban by higa4
add buildings and highways from GSI Kiban by higa4
buildings ard added in Matsugaoka 3, Mukaikogane 1, Nagareyama by sunadorare
"farmland" tag has changed to "gardener" in Nazukari, on route 6 by sunadorare
correct wrong drawings industrial area behind Across plaza Nagareyama, Mukaikogane, Nagareyama by sunadorare
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
add highways and buildings from GSI Kiban by higa4
柏市柏駅周辺を変更 by H Sho
柏市南柏駅周辺を変更 by H Sho
