オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2016 年 04 月 20 日の編集記録

Created a cafe and a viewpoint by oka23456
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by RichRico
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by karitotp
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by dannykath
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by dannykath
オートテラス秋津前の道路を追加 by miffy
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by Luis36995
トンネルを間違って作っていたので修正しました by miffy
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by RichRico
Hotel and surroundings mapped with more detail. by Biff
Buildings mapped. by Biff
Sidewalks mapped, as they are separated from the road by a barrier. Junctions more clearly mapped. by Biff
Details added to road and sidewalks. by Biff
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by ediyes
#hotosm-project-1792 #crisismappersjapan #高森町 by Ricky_AGU
Created a hotel by Nab Nabil
Updated a cafe by 梅村和宏
Updated a bar by r1990297
a by Julian LU
add detail by FrankyChing
Modified via wheelmap.org by otkzh77
Modified via wheelmap.org by 伴流高志
add detail by FrankyChing
位置修正 by otkzh77
Created a restaurant by Noo
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
Modified via wheelmap.org by banryu
赤羽 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
赤羽 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
赤羽 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
赤羽 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
赤羽 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
Created a fast_food by MapQuestSolutions LLC
Preparation for Kurayami Mapping 2016-05-05 by otkzh77
都市農業公園およびその周辺のデータを整備した by takayuki988
赤羽 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
赤羽 by banryu
赤羽 by banryu
赤羽 by banryu
added ways by Nuko
赤羽 by banryu
赤羽 by banryu
赤羽 by banryu
赤羽 by MapQuestSolutions LLC
Modified via wheelmap.org by MapQuestSolutions LLC
added ways by Nuko
Created a cafe by oka23456
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by Luis36995
