オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2016 年 04 月 20 日の編集記録

千日前商店街と相合橋筋、アーケードと舗装、通行区分。 by terrible noise
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by dannykath
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by RichRico
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by samely
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by dannykath
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by samely
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by calfarome
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by karitotp
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by karitotp
#to-fix:unconnectedminorhighways, fixing minor highways which are disconnected, by Luis36995
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by karitotp
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by Luis36995
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by Luis36995
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by karitotp
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by calfarome
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by karitotp
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by samely
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by dannykath
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by ediyes
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by Luis36995
#osmj-project-19 by higa4
#osmj-project-19 by higa4
edited ホテル ザ ルーテル by topstone
edited 大阪家庭裁判所 by topstone
edited 天満橋 千代田 ビル by topstone
edited MF 天満橋 ビル by topstone
edited 城西 ビル by topstone
edited 大阪 オルガン ビル by topstone
edited みのる ビル by topstone
edited ソフト 99 ビル by topstone
edited ワールド パーク by topstone
edited 島田 商事 株式会社 by topstone
edited 大晋 第二 ビル by topstone
added Times by topstone
edited 三双 ビル by topstone
edited 中日 ビル by topstone
千日前商店街と相合橋筋、アーケードと舗装、通行区分。 by terrible noise
千日前商店街と相合橋筋、アーケードと舗装、通行区分。 by terrible noise
道頓堀周辺道路種類、通行区分、アーケード修正。 by terrible noise
道頓堀周辺道路種類、通行区分、アーケード修正。 by terrible noise
道頓堀周辺道路種類、通行区分、アーケード修正。 by terrible noise
道頓堀周辺道路種類、通行区分、アーケード修正。 by terrible noise
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by dannykath
#to-fix:crossingminorhighways, Fixing major highways which are in overlap with minor highways. by dannykath
