オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2016 年 04 月 06 日の編集記録

#to-fix:overlappingmajorhighways, Fixing roads which are in overlap with other major roads, by RichRico
川崎市中原区(井田杉山町) by takatsu
川崎市中原区(下小田中) by takatsu
#crossingmajorhighways , Fixing major roads which crossing with other major highways, by samely
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by Yoshinion
fixed by yoshitk
fixed by yoshitk
fixed by yoshitk
fixed by yoshitk
fixed by yoshitk
fixed by yoshitk
fixed by yoshitk
fixed by yoshitk
横浜公園敷地内に樹木を追加。歩道や庭園などの輪郭線を変更。 by Albert Stone
横浜公園敷地内の樹木を移動。 by Albert Stone
fixed by yoshitk
横浜公園敷地内の樹木の種類を記入。 by Albert Stone
fixed by yoshitk
大和市 by MAPconcierge
大和市 by MAPconcierge
add detail by FrankyChing
Updated a dry_cleaning shop and a florist shop by nyampire
Updated a pub by nyampire
#teachosm-task-167 淵野辺建物マッピング by MAPconcierge
#teachosm-task-167 淵野辺建物マッピング by MAPconcierge
Updated a building by 文睿
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
