オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2016 年 01 月 21 日の編集記録

大和市コミュニティバスのろっと北部ルートの編集 by tom_konda
removed wikipedia=starbucks tag. wikipedia tag should only be used to tag features described in the wikipedia article. by Glassman
removed wikipedia=starbucks tag. wikipedia tag should only be used to tag features described in the wikipedia article. by Glassman
removed wikipedia=starbucks tag. wikipedia tag should only be used to tag features described in the wikipedia article. by Glassman
金蓮院 by u277a
Japan GIS by u277a
Japan GIS by u277a
Monzennakacho survey by muramototomoya
テスト登録です。 by medipass_shinichi_minoshima
added 三菱東京UFJ by u_kubota
