オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2015 年 12 月 20 日の編集記録

船橋市二和西、金杉地区の修正 by tsuhi
Typo in key corrected by FvGordon
1) サミットストア稔台店 is closed. Now is TAIRAYAみのり台店. Changed the store name. 2) Add its address. by y-fukuta
八柱駅周辺歩道の形状を微修正。 by y-fukuta
add buildings and highways from GSI Kiban by higa4
add buildings and highways from GSI Kiban by higa4
1) Boxhill has been closed for a long time ago. Now is atre Matsudo(アトレ松戸). I changed the name. 2) Its address is not registered. I added its address. by y-fukuta
Add attributes in Matsudo Shin Keisei Line station. by y-fukuta
Adjust the place of Matsudo Ekimae PB. by y-fukuta
Add すし銚子丸松戸岩瀬店 based on my field survey. by y-fukuta
1) I amend the name of コモディイイダ松戸新田店. Formerly, it was コモディティイイダ. 2) I added its address from its official website. by y-fukuta
1) ヤオコー is not ヤオコー. Correctly, it is car dealer. It is mis-placed. 2) I modify the information as car dealer --- ネッツトヨタ千葉松戸稔台店 by y-fukuta
I added the building shape and its information of ヤオコー松戸稔台店. by y-fukuta
