オープンストリートマップ 北海道 2015 年 11 月 10 日の編集記録

buildings (source=Bing) by mindedie
Updates to Chitose, Japan by Human65536
buildings (source=Bing) by mindedie
muroran_ortho での修正 by まんちゃん
Updates to Sapporo, Japan by Human65536
fix coastline by removing natural=coastline from np boundarys along the coastline added in 35009958 by SimonvdP
mocamoca by mocamoca
稚内市 by jyun76
稚内市 by jyun76
稚内市 by jyun76
buildings (source=Bing) by mindedie
buildings (source=Bing) by mindedie
buildings (source=Bing) by mindedie
