オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2015 年 11 月 04 日の編集記録

tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
Highway was aligned. by samely
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
せたがや水辺の楽校原っぱを追加 by Amemasu_shu
Highway was aligned. by samely
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
tagging buildings by abel801
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
kurihama by ohwada
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by Luis36995
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by ediyes
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by ediyes
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
GPSログに基づき、神奈川県立四季の森公園に南口駐輪場を追加。公衆電話の位置を微調整。 by Albert Stone
神奈川県立四季の森公園駐車場の出入口通路を、駐輪場と重ならぬよう修正。駐車場の管理者が居る建物を追加。 by Albert Stone
神奈川県立四季の森公園駐車場に、出入口の門(扉なし)を追加。夜間は障害物が設置され、閉鎖されます。 by Albert Stone
神奈川県立四季の森公園駐車場の出入口のタグを、entranceからgateに変更。 by Albert Stone
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by Half-Fast Mike JP
Designation for Kamakura Tenen Hiking course entrance, and sac_scale for a couple sections. by RickCogley
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-1257 #huracanpatricia, source=GSI by Jothirnadh
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
公園の敷地「新港中央広場」を追加。ベンチを3つ追加。ベンチの位置については、GPSで計測しました。 by Albert Stone
ベンチにタグを追加。 by Albert Stone
新港中央広場の敷地輪郭線を微調整。周辺の歩道を微調整。 by Albert Stone
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by saikabhi
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by saikabhi
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by saikabhi
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by saikabhi
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by saikabhi
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by saikabhi
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by saikabhi
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
#hotosm-afghanistan-eq-1264 by RichRico
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by RichRico
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by RichRico
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by RichRico
tagging buildings by abel801
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by RichRico
横浜市金沢区 周辺Bing編集 by Ryo-a
tagging buildings by abel801
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by RichRico
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
tagging buildings by abel801
