オープンストリートマップ 埼玉県 2015 年 11 月 03 日の編集記録

added some street by yoshitk
埼玉県川越市野田付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
added some street by yoshitk
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
added some street by yoshitk
nameの英語併記を削除 by futurumspes
15.10.17 Iwatsuki Mapping Party by otkzh77
nameの英語併記を削除 by futurumspes
学校用地設定 by futurumspes
上小町建物書き入れ by otkzh77
nameの英語併記を削除 by futurumspes
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by jan_ardy
nameの英語併記を削除 by futurumspes
added 宇佐美 by ao_zeal
added 菖蒲PA by ao_zeal
コンビニ追加 by futurumspes
パーキング追加 by futurumspes
コンビニ修正 by futurumspes
コンビニ追加 by futurumspes
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
#japan-road-improvement-91 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by oini
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市富士見中学付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市野田付近 by hatochan
閉店。看板の取り外しを確認。 by surgical21
GIS map と GPS データを元に多摩湖自転車道の修正 by minourii
fixed some street by yoshitk
埼玉県川越市脇田本町付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市脇田本町付近 by hatochan
上小町建物書き入れ by otkzh77
上小町建物書き入れ by otkzh77
埼玉県川越市野田付近 by hatochan
上小町建物書き入れ by otkzh77
埼玉県川越市野田付近 by hatochan
上小町建物書き入れ by otkzh77
埼玉県川越市野田付近 by hatochan
埼玉県川越市野田付近 by hatochan
建物情報いれる by otkzh77
埼玉県川越市野田付近 by hatochan
fixed some street by yoshitk
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
圏央道のIC及び菖蒲PAの追加。 GPSトレースとOSM sketchのデータより。 by ao_zeal
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
fixed some street by yoshitk
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
英名併記を解消 by penguin_the_dawn
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by calfarome
#Tokyo_Major_ Road_Alignment - Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery. by karitotp
