オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2015 年 10 月 09 日の編集記録

#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
JR尼崎南の工場等追加 by ur_bhan
Japan road improvement Task phase 1 done: major roads by somehow_different
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
