オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2015 年 10 月 07 日の編集記録

add relations to Osaka subway by xmd5a
消火栓編集 by tadanet3
around Shin-ishikiri station, Osaka, Japan by topstone
藤阪元町:駐車場と住居 by kamigata0
藤阪元町:駐車場と住居 by kamigata0
藤阪西町南:住居 by kamigata0
大阪厚生信用金庫 生野支店の近くにあるパチンコ店、寺院、公園を追加 by yatcin
朝日プラザ今里第2の向かいにある集合住宅を追加 by yatcin
パククリニックの隣にある集合住宅と薬局を追加 by yatcin
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by calfarome
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by calfarome
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by RichRico
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by calfarome
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by dannykath
現地調査分(2015-09-26)の反映 店舗POI追加 by mds878
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by karitotp
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by RichRico
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by dannykath
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by calfarome
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by calfarome
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
Fix riverbank relation by PlaneMad
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by dannykath
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by karitotp
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by RichRico
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by dannykath
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by karitotp
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by calfarome
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by samely
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by karitotp
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by dannykath
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by ediyes
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by abel801
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by dannykath
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by calfarome
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by karitotp
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by andygol
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by dannykath
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
