オープンストリートマップ 奈良県 2015 年 10 月 07 日の編集記録

Add some buildings and restaurant near 新大宮 in Nara by yasushi00
Add some buildings and restaurant near 新大宮 in Nara by yasushi00
Add some buildings and dental office near 新大宮 in Nara by yasushi00
Add some buildings and some restaurants near 新大宮 in Nara by yasushi00
Add some buildings and some restaurants near 新大宮 in Nara by yasushi00
Add some buildings and some restaurants near 新大宮 in Nara by yasushi00
data collection in Nara by nissyyu
data collection in Nara by nissyyu
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by Luis36995
#japan-road-improvement-54 Aligning existing highways to GSI orthorectified imagery by karitotp
