オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2015 年 10 月 05 日の編集記録

杉戸町-地物位置修正・道路追加 by k_zoar
杉戸町-地物位置修正・道路追加 by k_zoar
nameの英語併記を削除 by futurumspes
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
updated fire hydrant details with OsmHydrant by higa4
updated fire hydrant details with OsmHydrant by higa4
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
杉戸町-地物位置修正・道路追加 by k_zoar
杉戸町-地物位置修正・道路追加 by k_zoar
save test by javbw
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
add buildings and highways from survey by higa4
