オープンストリートマップ 新潟県 2015 年 07 月 21 日の編集記録

Fixing missing/misaligned Tiger with to-fix by Luis36995
Fixing intersecting roads by ediyes
Fixing Ways , highways intersects highway by dannykath
Intersecting problem was fixed by samely
Intersecting problem was fixed by samely
Intersecting problem was fixed by samely
Fixing Ways , highways intersects highway by dannykath
Aligned natural water and path by ruthmaben
highway intersects highway by abel801
Fixing Ways , highways intersects highway by dannykath
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
Highways were intersected and traced by samely
