オープンストリートマップ 岡山県 2015 年 06 月 01 日の編集記録

#afforest_JP 岡山の森林追加 by u_kubota
traced buildings around Bizen-tai station, Japan by topstone
traced buildings around Uno station, Japan by topstone
duplicaed from "name" to "name:ja" by topstone
traced buildings around Bizen-tai station, Japan by topstone
traced buildings around Bizen-tai station, Japan by topstone
traced buildings around Bizen-tai station, Japan by topstone
Fixing unconnected roads by ediyes
Fixing unconnected roads by ediyes
Fixing unconnected minor with to-fix by calfarome
Fixing unconnected minor with to-fix by calfarome
Fixing Unconnected Minor Roads by RichRico
