オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2015 年 03 月 26 日の編集記録

Nodes were connected to a near highwa by samely
fixing unconnected minor by abel801
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
added Pay Phone by topstone
around Owada station, Osaka, Japan by topstone
Edit 京街道 by mahbo
around Owada station, Osaka, Japan by topstone
第二京阪側道追加 by hides
東大阪市役所周辺 道路種別修正、信号追加 by hides
現地調査分(2015-03-26)の反映 石津北駅と周辺 by mds878
現地調査分(2015-03-26)の反映 石津北駅と周辺 by mds878
現地調査分(2015-03-26)の反映 店舗POI、交差点名追加等 by mds878
