オープンストリートマップ 福島県 2015 年 03 月 02 日の編集記録

福島県福島市渡利周辺 建物、道路を地理院タイル KIBAN2500にて編集 by ikiya
いわき市平成一丁目 by jun_meguro
福島県福島市 花見山周辺の道路修正、建物入力、土地利用Survey、KIBAN2500もとに編集 by ikiya
Added noded connections to intersecting road ways. by ruthmaben
fixed unconnected major road by shravan91
Added noded connections to intersecting road ways. by ruthmaben
Tofix: unconnected major by PlaneMad
Added noded connections to intersecting road ways. by ruthmaben
Added noded connections to intersecting road ways. by ruthmaben
