オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2015 年 01 月 30 日の編集記録

Fixing unconnected major with to-fix by calfarome
Mie admin boundary import / 郡部を追加 by KSJ2_adm_bnd_imprt
Fixing unconnected major with to-fix by calfarome
Fixing unconnected major with to-fix by calfarome
Fixing unconnected major with to-fix by calfarome
Fixing unconnected major with to-fix by calfarome
愛知県海部郡蟹江町周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
joined nodes by shravan91
fixed an unconnected major road and changed the tag from official_name to name by shravan91
fixed an unconnected major road and a stream by shravan91
愛知県海部郡蟹江町周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
added some street by yoshitk
