オープンストリートマップ 愛媛県 2014 年 08 月 14 日の編集記録

しまなみ海道の橋の更新 by nmaruichi
Adjust the shape of forest roads in Kumakougen with Bing and GSImaps/std by fumioni
Adjust the shape of forest roads in Kumakougen with Bing and GSImaps/std. by fumioni
Add golfcource(Kuma) (halfway). by fumioni
Complete Adding golfcource(Kuma). by fumioni
Add name tag to Kuma golfcource. by fumioni
Add some ponds in MatsuyamaRoyalCC. by fumioni
Adjust the shape of roads in MatsuyamaRoyalCC with shifted Bing. by fumioni
Adjust the shape of rivers around MatsuyamaRoyalCC with shifted Bing. by fumioni
