オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2014 年 07 月 19 日の編集記録

Tracing and fixing One-way without exit, http://osmlab.github.io/to-fix/?error=keepright/deadendoneway by ediyes
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by tondabayasi_hurendo
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
現地調査分(2014-07-19)の反映 by mds878
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
edited Building by topstone
edited Building by topstone
edited センシブル 天王寺 by topstone
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
edited 多摩マンション by topstone
edited Apartment Building by topstone
edited Apartment Building by topstone
edited 新井ビル by topstone
edited 中村ビル by topstone
edited 第2運動場 by topstone
edited 難波 サンケイ ビル by topstone
added Pay Phone by topstone
edited Apartment Building by topstone
edited 元町中公園 by topstone
edited ピースランド by topstone
added 延命地蔵尊 by topstone
edited Building by topstone
edited School Building by topstone
edited Building by topstone
edited ルミエール 難波 by topstone
edited Building by topstone
edited 北野 不動産 ビル by topstone
edited MICKEY COOKIES by topstone
edited レーベン 堀口 by topstone
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
added 布屋公園 by every_road
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
Add/fix buildings and roads in Osaka city by u_kubota
163号線修正 by hides
門真ジャンクション layer tag修正 by hides
