オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2014 年 04 月 27 日の編集記録

Some detail around a ski resort on Mount Karuma. by GS25
Local detail. And removing incorrect layer tags from waterways. by GS25
A restaurant. Nice tacorice! by GS25
Adding detail to OSMAND data uploaded earlier. by GS25
Adding detail to OSMAND data uploaded earlier. by GS25
Adding detail to OSMAND data uploaded earlier. by GS25
Removed traffic signal in response to OSM bug note. Also it was not on a highway node. by GS25
Fixed badly mapped bridges (should have a short stub at each end) and incorrect layer tags. by GS25
Fixed spelling of mountain. Added elevation. by GS25
佐久市のPOIを修正 by nabetaro
