オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2014 年 02 月 26 日の編集記録

覚王山周辺 source=GSI/KIBAN 2500; NARO by nobichan
Road information and building information were updated using the background photograph. by mafactory2
愛知県弥富市桴場周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
Road information and building information were updated using the background photograph. by mafactory2
Road information and building information were updated using the background photograph. by mafactory2
愛知県弥富市桴場周辺基盤地図2500,Bingトレース by TKE-waka
各層の高さを修正し,四層を追加 by siramatu
覚王山周辺 source=GSI/KIBAN 2500; NARO by nobichan
覚王山周辺 source=GSI/KIBAN 2500; NARO by nobichan
覚王山周辺 source=GSI/KIBAN 2500; NARO by nobichan
add POIs from survey by TKE-waka
覚王山周辺 source=GSI/KIBAN 2500; NARO by nobichan
覚王山周辺 source=GSI/KIBAN 2500; NARO by nobichan
Road information and building information were updated using the background image. by mafactory2
豊川市久保町の建物を基盤地図情報に基づき追加 by torimomo
